Quantum Eve
3 any. 30 minutes. Science fiction.
Eve does math and Adam writes stories. In the Garden of Eden, the two lovers are imprisoned by their creators for six thousand years to solve one question:
What is reality?
[2023] Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, Workshop - directed by Rani O’Brien
2m, 2f, 1 any. 10 minutes. Historical.
October 24: Hulda gets on an elevator. She is a stockbroker.
October 24: The day the market crashed. The first day of the Great Depression.
October 24: 11 stockbrokers throw themselves off buildings. Or did they?
It's October 24, 1929. Hulda gets off the elevator.
[2022] KCACTF National Ten-Minute Play Award Semi-Finalist
[2023] KCACTF Region 1 Festival, Workshop - directed by Nicholas Alkobi